Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

There are many businessmen and there are many farmers in this country. However, the businessman who once modern farmers may not be many, especially those living in Jakarta. One is Bob Sadino, rich farmers who have Kem Chicks in South Jakarta (supermarkets around 18:00 with commodity items and visited about 2,500 people per day), Kem Foods (producing a wide variety of sausage-shaped frozen meat, burger, meatball), and Kem Farms in Central Java (producing vegetables and fruits, where hydroponics cultivation is done by successfully). No less than 1,300 employees on their life from the business owned by Mr. Sadino this.

Bob Farmer Entrepreneurs Sadino is unique. Keunikannya directly visible physical since he put "clothes dinasnya" which until now is that it is also: belel short jeans trousers, short-sleeve shirt that potongannya not berjahit, and shoes without socks. And with the "uniform kiwir-kiwir" that he never specialties chatting with government officials to the level of president, in power since the Soeharto era.

U.S. media coverage about terjangnya during the last two decades has been countless many. Name and portrays himself appear everywhere, both in print and electronic media, both in domestic and overseas. Male birth Tanjungkarang, Lampung, 9 March 1933, this indeed has many interesting side of life to it. He started the business from zero, and fully supported by Soelami, wife of the values 31 July 1967 and built two daughters, Viking Funeral Andiani and Shanti Dwi Ratih.

Initially, about 30 years ago, Bob left the job as a sailor, stonemason, and the taxi driver, to start a business with 50 birds broiler and laying five kilograms. From the sales of eggs and then he started selling chicken pieces, and then gradually the small shop is growing up to become a supermarket, which is known people. Physical appearance is more similar artists instead of the other side is a businessman who invite discussion. Kepiawaiannya process words in various seminars to provide another nuance in themselves. Yet again the concept of success that success does not need the draft. All that, directly or indirectly, involved making whatever magnit for coverage of the various coverage.

Personally, I first met Bob Om, so I called, in 1990. That time, a senior correspondent with Atiek Wishnubrata, my Bristol day since the morning until the afternoon. From his home in the past, we were invited to discuss long in "stable" 2 hectares in the area of Lebak Bulus, who is now a place where he was living in South Jakarta. In the chance that a prominent intellectual side. He was knacky provide a response to the concepts successful version of Dale Carnegie and Stephen R. Covey, the two big names in the field of personal development and the people that epoch. He also advanced the theory cite Abraham Maslow, one of the pioneers of psychology Humanistic psychology.

Not communicate, whom I have met again with the Om Bob stage seminars in early 2001 and then. He was not alone in my mind too. But rather he feels there is little resemblance between us, when I have an idea of Indonesia School of Life. If in my books published since the end of 1998 I often use the term "school and university life," then in a book titled Agribusiness return to - Success Stories Bob Sadino paper Sjamsoe'oed Sadjad (Grasindo, 2001), Om Bob also use the term the same. A coincidence, it was not planned, I think. And so that is why can he then invited me back to "play" to "stable" that has been changed to "cage the family" is.

There are many things that I learned from Bob Om. Among them are: first, kepekaannya of business opportunities. He always "read the market" and often admitted that "my people this market." This means, he only sells what people really want are purchased from. Second, kreativitasnya to create various products and ideas for the full sale. Products sold through the company, while the ideas are sold to participants of various types of seminars involving himself. Third, keberaniannya take the risk, not only in business, but also in the form of physical appearance that is unique. There are many people who want to appear unique. However, dare to really show is a little unique. I still remember how the members of the House of Om Bob invited to the event with an opinion, rejected the presence because of physical appearance is considered "less respect" high state institution. Potretnya with "uniform kiwir-kiwir" when President Soeharto in agricultural land demonstrate the courage to appear in different forms is the most extreme, I think. So, overall, when not many people talk about the importance of branding and brand, Om Bob is showing the "brand" and "brand" his own.

The other side that I most admire from Om Bob is humility and kejujurannya. He did not hesitate come to the seminar that diminatinya only willing to sit and dwell on-nguyah ideas dihidang source of information that are far younger and "more poor" from it. Sometimes it brings the "children" (employees who occupy strategic positions in various companies) and thus directly to educate them to continue learning. And if compared with many businessmen karbitan the rebound because of learner-KKN with the authorities, Om I think Bob is included in the category of relatively honest businessman.

Although we jointly agreed that "school" and "university" is a true "life", but our position is different. Om Bob deserve more than a "teacher" and "lecturers", while I am still as "learners". Therefore, if I was asked to make a list of a hundred things that I needed in my life I'm in the "School of Life Indonesia," then one of them is the opportunity to meet with "teachers" my mustache and hair more whiten, but the spirit is still living and brightly as the The first time we met eleven years ago.

Every time I talk about the concept of "success without a degree" - the title of my first book - the memories of my loop to the immediately fly Om Bob. He has become one of the Evidence irrefutable that those who only had some formal education (teaching) to the secondary school level has also become a successful modern farmers is still possible. And once I did not want to become a farmer or a rich feast, Bob Sadino number two, hopefully as a "student", what I have donated for the process of "learning revolution" in the country is not mempermalukan the "teachers" that "without a degree of success" that.



Who imagined that people who previously worked at the production factory of Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) can change the fate become a partner which supplies components to the automotive companies in Indonesia is the largest?

There may be, not too many do not. And is one of Nur Dahyar. Nur, so he always called open-pallet business after "stealing" the science in the TAM for 9 years. Currently, the company made pallet is used not only domestic needs but also exported abroad. "Since the beginning I have plans to become entrepreneurs," he said.
At work in the Toyota 1978, he only Seeing the junior certificate. However, his desire to become an entrepreneur is never dead, while working at Toyota in the evening he went to school until high school graduation Academy D3 computer. While working at Toyota, he bertekat control all the areas that he requested that the supervisors in the field of Rolling from one field to another.
But a number of areas in the automotive industry, it is passed. Pengelasan start from the field, pressing, packaging, warehousing and others. After he obtained enough knowledge, he eventually quit the company to establish small-scale.
By coincidence when the Toyota he was familiar with the Setiadi, a machine technician who worked at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo). This relationship continues to be the first business relationship. Nur Dahyar and establish the company given the name of PT Nuance Raya Dynamics (NRD) in 1997.
The initial capital for business development NRD comes from the BNI loans of Rp 50 million. First obtain orders from Pelindo through friends of these services. Ditanganinya the project is the creation of transmitting light 9 (tower) worth Rp 135 million, which was conducted in several periods.
"In the first month of orders NRD resolve Rp 15 million but cost as much as that issued Rp 25 million," he said. This is reasonable given the NRD must invest engine and other equipment. After have a good prospect colleagues to the early retirement in order to focus on developing the company. At first, 100 percent of shares owned Nur Dahyar but after joining the composition per share of fity-fifty.
"We build relationships based on mutual trust, although often for different opinions, but until now still can survive," said Setiadi. If Dahyar better control the production process Setiadi handle related financial issues. The division of tasks that clearly causes people each know what to do and what areas should be done.

Switch to iron / steel
Originally NRD produce pallet made of wood but the start of 2001 to switch the raw material of iron / steel. Since 2002, pallet made NRD all come propagandist iron / steel. This is because countries such as Malaysia and Australia have not receive a pallet made of wood because it creates environmental problems.
Currently the products are not only NRD steel pallet equipment but also the construction of steel and simple machines. NRD has developed into three small factories, which occupy a total area of around 2,560 square meters in area paralyzed. 55 percent of production NRD needs to procure 45 percent, while Toyota to other customers. Recorded several companies such as PT Maersk Line, SCI, the American Line, Mulia Ceramics mengguanakan product NRD.
Currently, some banks have been giving loans to SMEs, namely the Bank Niaga, Bank Permata and Citibank. "Now that credit dikucurkan can be reached Rp 1 billion per month, in line with the development of the company," said Setiadi. He felt grateful because the earnings of companies under which only Rp 100 million has now reached Rp 14 billion.
Setiadi estimate the company's turnover at the end of the year could reach Rp 20 billion. Although still rely on the production of steel pallet products, but other non-pallet will be improved. In 2005-2007, the NRD want in a product development engine components. 2007-2010 investment plan of equipment and machinery have to be done and the end of 2010 are already in production.
Special raw materials be supplied by the company PT Krakatau Steel 5 through distributors and pipes from the company Bakrie. So far, so smooth supply of production is not disrupted. However, strengthening the dollar against the rupiah recently caused concern because of its impact is very bad for business.
Meanwhile, the number of employees continues to rise from 1997 that only Nur Dahyar with family members only. In 1998, a total of 7 persons has now grown to 122 people. Most people, or about 78 graduates a smu, 3 of akedemi, 6 univeritas and the remaining elementary and junior high education.
Japan wants to enter
After viewing the business prospects of both the biggest threat faced by the company is a Japanese company plans to make investments in this sector. This is worrying because it could threaten the existence of NRD. However, policies that Toyota still want to maintain their lead local partner can not enter.
But indications of Japanese companies to enter this sector have been there. "We ask the government considers this as a capital and technology they would not lose," said Dahyar.
Previous 2004 NRD also threatened after pirated products, with prices from China diselundupkan through various ports. "Modusnya their work with some customs officials to meloloskannya," he said. n

* Sinar Harapan


Dream large and continue to dream big, saying a word. Because of all that we enjoy now comes from the dream that is considered unlikely. Previously Sosrodjojo be ridiculed as a dream to sell votes in bottled tea. Utomo also Tirto or be ridiculed because the idea of selling packaged drinking water. Now realized that the idea of who is not familiar Sosro The Bottle and Aqua. Now the brand has been so trendsetter of products and tea drinks, mineral similar.

In the United States there is Bill Gates leaving the business course at Harvard, an elite school in the United States, and microsoftnya taken seriously. He soon saw in the whole world there will be a Personal Computer (PC) in every home. Dreamland is a slogan that is known widely by the à ¢ â, ¬ Å "computer on every desk and in every homeà ¢ â, ¬ Â. Her dream a reality.

If we dare to dream, a dream that we can wujudkan with hard work and sincerity. Do not be afraid of dreaming, even if you open a small business scale in the house.


Business is a noble effort. Besides profitable, we can open employment for that need. But all of that must be started, not just the idea only.

What we aspire to become directors of the companies we own? Then why we are trapped in a routine personnel office, study or home without iota of thought will open a profitable business. The opportunity to start your business is wide open at any time.


If you have your dreams and ideas that good, why not start now? The courage to try. Is a bold capital enterpreuner. Trying to ideas or ideas directly is a challenge that's fun. Many of knowledge gained than just reading the theory only.

You capital is the biggest reason you know so many successful entrepreneurs who start a business from zero. There are people selling batik points, the benefits such as the business capital Dyah Suminar, the women arrived origin. There are also Purdi Chandra, the owner Primagama Study Guide, which started business only with 300 thousand results over the bicycle motornya. See also the pioneer Abdullah Gymnastiar business division boarding daarut unity of god opened a trade with the capital comes from a widow. So capital is not the greatest problems faced by the business beginners.

According to Tyas Soekarsono, a lecturer at the same time businessmen, seriousness and sincerity in the business also become factors that determine the success of your business tekuni. This applies also to the business that started from the house. â € œKerja hard but do not need to be effective and not efficient, â €? he said reminded. Work hard and work smart is the motto of the enterpreuner. Do not be lazy and feel satisfied quickly on the results obtained.

This is another important innovation of high-power service on the products and services. Therefore, a clever businessman should follow the development of the market and see the behavior of competitors. Business people should be aware that many products offered, but what makes the candidates that consumers switch to using the products and services. Here must be astute business people see the possibilities that will happen.

The sapphire assert any attitude can not expect quick results for the businessman beginners. Patience is necessary for adapting to start a business herself. Sometimes the failure is perceived by business people need because through kegagalanlah businessmen will try to avoid the same mistakes.

If we dare to try, we must dare to dare to fail or succeed. Essentially, how hard we try it is the price that we will get. No dictionary failed for a spirited enterpreuner. That is how quickly you rise from that failure. How, ready to do business?

(vieny / report Jumi and Rahmi)
source: online ummi

Madoff Ponzi investment fraud

Senin, 29 Desember 2008

Bernard Madoff Nasdaq is a former leader, who has meraup profits 7% to 9% during normal market conditions and actions Madoff investment fraud is a mystery for Wall Street for almost 20 years. Based on the investigation, Madoff successfully deceive investors to U.S. $ 50 billion.

Soaring food prices

When the price of corn, wheat and fuel soaring summer ago (July), the U.S. people for the first time in 17 years last terbelit food inflation. U.S. Department of Agriculture predicted food prices will increase 5% to 6% this year, compared with an average annual increase of 2.5% during the last 15 years. Growth was weak in October and November, but the price has not been melorot drastic as in crude oil prices.

Detroit giant Bailout

Until November, the sale of a number of U.S. car manufacturer melorot about 16%. As a result, General Motors Corp.. and Chrysler LLC talangan funding request and obtain a loan from Washington's promise of U.S. $ 17.4 billion, while Ford Motor Co.. states do not need a loan from the government.

Stock prices fell globally

When the market worries worsen in September and the more sluggish credit market, stock prices in a number of stock exchanges from Hong Kong to Mexico. Even the authority to close the Russian stock exchange for shares due to muted panic memburuknya the world economy.

Oil prices soaring, and down

Apart from Wall Street, the economic news that is not less exciting coming from the oil market in New York that up and down drastically, followed by the weak oil demand over ambruknya global economy.

World crude oil prices melesat to U.S. $ 147 per barrel in July that eventually change the habits of U.S. energy is usually wasteful. With the high price of fuel, the level of housing missal transportation jumped to the highest level in 25 years, while the use of motor vehicles anjlok almost 5%.

But the global financial crisis and change everything, except the economical habits of U.S. still in progress, the price of oil fell more than 50% of starting early October until the end of November, so invite a habit of whether the U.S. will return to the taste of home when oil prices are stable, low?

Tips & Triks Blog

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Economic apply Sharia to the Global Crisis

Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Capitalism system that applied Western countries have failed with the best of a global economic crisis, for it is time for the Islamic nation to rise with the economic pattern implementing sharia.

The statement was delivered Universaitas rector of Muhammadiyah Syumatera North (UMSU), H Bahdin Nur Tanjung, MM SE time to give lectures at the Al-Amin Mosque, Jalan HM Yamin SH, Medan, Friday.

According to him, the capitalist economic system which follow the free market has made them rich, the rich and the poor more oppressed. But in the end the free market economic system is also proven to be the engine murderer rich countries including the United States alone.

Sederhananya clear picture, Bahdin, free market economy is like a cancer that undermine human body buried in the end join together.

"Competition is free to the term referred to a popular winner with the conglomerates, but that does not offset konglomerasi with the empowerment of the weak against them in the end with the suicide," he said.

He further explained, moment when the global economic crisis is disikapi Muslims should apply to the pattern of economic sharia. Islam teaches people to help each other between the strong with the weak not vice versa as reflected in the charity and tithe.

"Now is time for Islam to rise with the economic pattern apply sharia that encourages everyone to grow and large together," he said.

For this firm Bahdin, Muslims must unite and deliver the differences between each other suspicious groups and classes. Organizations can get, but Islam must ditonjolkan and dinomorsatukan.

According to him, the potential of the self-Muslims should be incorporated so that the power that is capable of the challenges faced now. History has proved majunya Islam united but rather because when the tercerai berai like what you see now.

"Many countries that the majority of the population are now destroyed by the Islamic people lose attitude Ukhuwah Islamiyah," he said


The Global Economic Crisis

As we know up to now with discussion about the global economic crisis remains rampant. Each day the local television news channels always show the latest developments surrounding the world economy and the investors in this country is still 'dag-dig-dug' about the effects of the crisis on Indonesia. Many countries in the world begin affected by the economic crisis now, one of the developed countries, Germany, became the most astonishing example, unsuspected consequences of this crisis has created a recession in Germany, which compel them to 'merumahkan' most of the labor stoppage and cause some production activities. From the country, the poor visible from the IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange), IHSG (Joint Stock Price Index) falls from the free position Digdaya around 2800-an until now that is still less between 1100 to 1300-an. Even the more high stock markets around the world recently, so can we make IHSG fall below 1000. In fact, predicted until mid-2009 upcoming semester, there will be many lay, as happened in 1998 when then.

The foreign exchange debt due in 2009 foreign exchange reserves Press

The Government recognizes that foreign exchange debt maturity in 2009 foreign exchange reserves will hit Indonesia in 2009. but there are believed to be the replacement of the top foreign exchange reserves exhausted Yes. I certainly have influence. but is not necessarily lost and there is no replacement, surely there will be successor. "said the Minister of Finance / Plt Coordinating Minister for Economy Sri Mulyani Indrawati, in Jakarta, yesterday.

According to him, how big the influence of debt to foreign exchange reserves of foreign exchange can be calculated how much foreign exchange risk on the debt.

"If we calculate the risks, we see only from the eksposure maturity one year later, how the composition." he said.

He added the government foreign exchange debt for 2009. have done the calculations, including possible risks in 2009.

In the same place

Director General of the State Property Ministry of Finance. Hadiyanto, said the value of state assets at the end of the year will be increased from valuasi which have been made to the semester 1 / 2008 which reached Rp510 trillion. "It was a semester 1 / 2008. Semester II surely increase. This is a report later in January 2009 is expected to come out again." he said.

He also said his side would work hard to ensure that the inventory and assessment of state assets can be completed in 2009.

Meanwhile, Director General of Taxes, Darmin Nasution, says his side must explain various issues concerning the taxation related to the immediate end of 2008 and immediately entered in 2009.

He said there are some rules that must be explained, including the Value Added Tax (VAT) UUnya although not yet complete, also on the fiscal out of the country, sunsel policy, and other


2009, Depperin Estimate Stay Enthusiastic Automotive Industry

The government remains optimistic take the automotive industry will grow next year. From the calculation Deparrtemen Industry (Depperin) car sales next year will increase 8% to Rp108 billion from the year 2008 this is estimated at Rp100 trillion. Meanwhile, motorcycle sales to increase 12% to Rp 65 trillion this year from Rp 60 trillion.

Estimated government is starting to count the back of that automobile sales will anjlok 30%. From car sales to 600,000 units in 2008 to be 450 units. Meanwhile, motor units from 6 million to 4 million units. "In the future there is a decline, but cars and motorcycles that have fixed roads, and replacement parts must be done. This is a cause growth to occur," said
Director General of Industrial Equipment and Transportation Telematika (IATT) Ministry of Industry (Depperin) Budi Darmadi, Tuesday (23/12).

The Government recognizes, automotive industry into the business sector that, at most, because terimbas crisis. Therefore, the government request
the shoulder to shoulder trying survive or if it can minimize the impact of the crisis. One is, do the action for
burden with the stake holders to reduce the burden on consumers.

Associated with increased interest repayments from 8% to 12%. Now, the burden of the increase was 4% should be divided to the parties from the producers, industrial components, the company financing, and consumers. With the determination of the mechanism is the responsibility of the holder of the single agent (ATPM) national.

Stable Dollar, Gold Price is Not Many Changes

TOKYO. In Asia, the price of gold, not much changed today. This occurred after the currency stable dollar against the euro. Consequently, gold is no longer seen as attractive investment.

Origin know, is this the last three weeks the price of gold continues to increase. The strong position because of the enchantment of the gold dollar weakened against the euro, which has occurred during five weeks in succession.

"Gold is in line to increase the pressure against the U.S. dollar due to recession and the policy of the Fed, which cut interest rates near zero," said tatsuo Kageyama, analyst Kanetsu Asset Management Co. in Tokyo.

At 12:28 Tokyo time, gold for delivery fast rise 0.1% to U.S. $ 846.50 per troy ounce. Meanwhile, gold for December delivery on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange rose 0.5% to 2,464 yen per gram, or U.S. $ 847 per troy ounce.

Meanwhile, the dollar experienced a strengthening of 0.1% to U.S. $ 1.4017 per euro. Dollar also appreciated 0.1% against the yen to become 90.50. Currency Uncle Sam's country is steadily strengthening after Japanese industrial production experienced most recently retrogressive


Beginning in 2010 Indonesia's Economic Restored

Economic observers in Medan, Hashim, SE predicts Indonesia's economy will recover once freed from all the impact of global financial crisis in early 2010.

"Politic and economic conditions in the country is estimated will not improve next year (2009). Both aspects of the new estimated total will recover in early 2010," he said in Medan, Friday.

In a note last year, prominent young businessman who is also known by the name Oei Kien Lim is assessing the possibility of a small Indonesian economy significantly in the near future, although oil prices have showed a significant decrease followed a decline in the price of fuel in the country.

"Small possibility of the economy will improve in 2009. But we are optimistic that the economy really recovered in 2010," he said.

He admitted the decline in world oil prices, which was followed by a decrease in the price of fuel in the country will become a concept at once indicator occurrence of future improvement in national economy.

However, the decline in fuel has not really followed by a decrease in the price of basic needs.

"But we believe the price of food in time will also take down, especially when the problem is food intended to be one of the important issues perpolitikan in the upcoming election," he said.

On the other Hashim said, the party form of democracy and pilpres legislative election next year, will also restore national conditions perpolitikan now tend to start the heats.

"Of course, if the second agenda of democracy is running with the safe and orderly, in which all parties can accept any result. We hope the Israeli running smoothly and the political temperature is not hot again after the election and pilpres," said the youth leaders Chinese in Medan that.

"If the election is not safe, the possibility of the crisis will continue and may not in fact will be severe," he said.

Concerning the decision, the Mahkamah Konstitusi(MK) remove the serial number system in the general election in 2009, Hashim evaluation as a positive breakthrough in the political world of Indonesia.

Most sound system is very good to anticipate the golput. This system is considered very suitable to determine the shape people's craving community representatives, he said


In addition to the company Pertamina Allow Sell Premium

Management Agency Downstream Oil and Gas (BPH Migas) revealed, the body of business outside of PT Pertamina (Persero), such as Shell and Petronas, is now possible to sell premium gasoline equivalent berangka octane 88.

According to the Member BPH Migas Agus Budi Hartono in Jakarta, Friday (26/12), it is possible to overtake the price of 88 octane petrol in the international market is low now.

"Rules that allow the body has no business berangka sell gasoline octane 88. So, if Shell or Petronas can sell Rp 5,000 per liter or below, can," he said.

However, according to him, the body does not get the business subsidy funds such as PT Pertamina (Persero), which has been appointed as the only company that has the right to sell fuel in the entire country. This means, further Agus, the price of gas sold 88 Shell or Petronas is the price of economy.

He said, with more and more business entities that sell gasoline 88, the consumer can have an alternative.

However, the Deputy Director of Business Development of PT Shell Indonesia Wally Saleh said the government does not plan to sell 88 petrol in 2009. "Because, at this time we do not produce the type of gasoline. But, if by 2010, we may sell them," he said.


Oil Price Rise first This Week

Stronger world oil prices on Friday (26/12) for the first time in this weekend affected the news about the United Arab Emirates, which will cut production in line with OPEC production decisions reduction.

A small number of transactions in the post-Christmas, the main crude oil contract "light sweet" in New York for delivery in February to become stronger U.S. dollar 37.71, up 2.36 U.S. dollars from the closing price on Wednesday.

Oil on the market close Thursday because of Christmas holidays. Oil contract in New York continue to dwindle during the nine previous trading session.

Crude oil "Brent" North Sea for delivery in February, the market Intercontinental ditransaksikan in London, up 1.76 U.S. dollars into U.S. dollars 38.37, after on Wednesday at 36.61 U.S. dollars position, which is the lowest position since July 2004.

Kesenjangan Pendapatan Meningkat Tajam di Seluruh Dunia

Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kuat sejak awal tahun 1990-an hingga tahun 2007, ternyata tidak sejalan dengan tingkat pendapatan.

Laporan Dunia Kerja 2008 yang dikeluarkan Organisasi Perburuhan Internasional (International Labour Organization/ILO) menunjukkan kesenjangan pendapatan yang cukup tajam di sebagian besar negara di dunia. Kesenjangan ini diprediksi meningkat di tengah situasi keuangan dunia yang menghadapi krisis hampir setahun belakangan ini dan memuncak pada Agustus lalu.

"Laporan kami menemukan bahwa pendapatan rumah tangga yang lebih sejahtera lebih cepat meningkat daripada keluarga miskin. Walaupun pertumbuhan ekonomi dan lapangan kerja terjadi 15 tahun terakhir, tapi yang terjadi sebenarnya ketidaksetaraan pendapatan," ujar Direktur ILO di Indonesia, Allan Boulton.

Peluncuran laporan World of Work Report 2008: Income inequalities in the age of financial globalization digelar di Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta, Selasa (16/12).

Laporan ini merupakan hasil studi yang dilakukan International Institute for Labour Studies di 70 negara maju dan berkembang, berkaitan dengan kesenjangan pendapatan, mengkaji upah, dan perkembangan ekonomi. Di 51 negara dari 70 negara yang dikaji, tingkat upah dalam pendapatan keseluruhan menurun selama lebih dari dua dekade ini.

Penurunan terbesar terjadi di Amerika Latin dan Karibia, diikuti Asia dan Pasifik, serta negara-negara maju. Ekonom senior International Institute for Labour Studies, Ekkehard Ernst, dalam paparannya memberikan salah satu contoh kesenjangan yang cukup tajam antara upah eksekutif dan upah pekerja dengan level terendah di Amerika.

Di Amerika Serikat, pada tahun 2007 para pemimpin perusahaan di 15 perusahaan terbesar menerima pendapatan 520 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan rata-rata upah pekerja. Pola serupa juga terjadi di negara-negara lain, seperti Australia, Jerman, Hongkong, dan China.

Sayangnya, tidak ada angka pasti yang menunjukkan kondisi serupa di Indonesia meskipun dikatakan bahwa sebagai negara berkembang, Indonesia juga mengalami keadaan yang tak berbeda.

Kesenjangan ini, salah satu penyebabnya karena lemahnya sektor informal. Ekkehard mengatakan, laporan ini diharapkan bisa menjadi acuan bagi pengambil kebijakan untuk mengantisipasi dampak yang lebih besar dari krisis keuangan global.

Sementara itu, Dirjen Kerja Sama Luar Negeri Depnakertrans Guntur Wicaksono mengungkapkan, laporan ini akan digunakan pihaknya untuk menentukan langkah terbaik atas dampak krisis keuangan di dunia kerja.

"Laporan ini penting, karena kami sedang menghadapi situasi ekonomi yang sulit dan harus berhadapan dengan ketenagakerjaan," ujarnya.


Harga Minyak Dunia terus Anjlok

Sabtu, 15 November 2008

Harga minyak terus merosot meskipun Organisasi Eksportir Minyak OPEC mengisyaratkan kemungkinan kembali memotong kuota produksi. Pasar komoditas minyak justru menaruh perhatian terhadap laporan penurunan drastis pada pengeluaran konsumen serta konsumsi di kalangan bisnis maupun konsumen.

Dari bursa komoditas New York Mercantile Exchange, kontrak pengiriman minyak light, sweet untuk Desember mendatang turun 1,20 dollar AS serta ditutup pada 57,04 dollar AS per barrel. Harga minyak telah merosot sekitar 60 persen dalam 4 bulan terakhir setelah mencapai 147,27 dollar AS per barrel Juli lalu. OPEC yang memproduksi sekitar 40 persen suplai minyak dunia telah menyampaikan kemungkinannya kembali memotong kuota produksi menjelang akhir bulan ini apabila harga minyak terus merosot.

Departemen Perdagangan AS melaporkan terdapat penurunan terbesar pada penjualan ritel dan kemerosotan tajam kebutuhan minyak pada inventaris bisnis. Departemen Perdagangan AS menjelaskan penjualan ritel merosot hingga 2,8 persen bulan lalu atau lebih besar dari penurunan sebesar 2,65 persen pada November 2001 atau pascaserangan teroris di AS.

Harga Minyak Dunia terus Anjlok

Harga minyak terus merosot meskipun Organisasi Eksportir Minyak OPEC mengisyaratkan kemungkinan kembali memotong kuota produksi. Pasar komoditas minyak justru menaruh perhatian terhadap laporan penurunan drastis pada pengeluaran konsumen serta konsumsi di kalangan bisnis maupun konsumen.

Dari bursa komoditas New York Mercantile Exchange, kontrak pengiriman minyak light, sweet untuk Desember mendatang turun 1,20 dollar AS serta ditutup pada 57,04 dollar AS per barrel. Harga minyak telah merosot sekitar 60 persen dalam 4 bulan terakhir setelah mencapai 147,27 dollar AS per barrel Juli lalu. OPEC yang memproduksi sekitar 40 persen suplai minyak dunia telah menyampaikan kemungkinannya kembali memotong kuota produksi menjelang akhir bulan ini apabila harga minyak terus merosot.

Departemen Perdagangan AS melaporkan terdapat penurunan terbesar pada penjualan ritel dan kemerosotan tajam kebutuhan minyak pada inventaris bisnis. Departemen Perdagangan AS menjelaskan penjualan ritel merosot hingga 2,8 persen bulan lalu atau lebih besar dari penurunan sebesar 2,65 persen pada November 2001 atau pascaserangan teroris di AS.

Pertemuan G-20 Tidak Bisa Diharapkan Atasi Krisis Global

Para kepala negara dari 20 negara maju dan negara sedang berkembang bertemu di Washington, Jumat (14/11), dalam pertemuan puncak Kelompok 20 atau G-20. Namun, pihak Uni Eropa (UE) sudah mengingatkan jangan mengharapkan pertemuan G-20 mengeluarkan kesepakatan untuk mengatasi krisis ekonomi global.

Agenda pertemuan difokuskan pada upaya untuk menanggulangi krisis finansial global, mengatasi dampak negatifnya, dan mencegahnya terulang kembali.

Salah satu misi penting, yang diusung UE, adalah keinginan mengatur sektor keuangan, yang menjadi pemicu utama krisis global. Presiden AS George W Bush secara implisit menolak tekanan dari UE, yang secara konsisten terus menuding AS sebagai penyebab krisis.

Presiden Perancis Nicolas Sarkozy, yang kini menjabat kepresidenan Uni Eropa, ingin mendorong reformasi atas arsitektur finansial dunia. Bersama Perdana Menteri Inggris Gordon Brown, Sarkozy memimpin Uni Eropa (UE) untuk menstabilkan perbankan dan memulihkan kepercayaan pasar.

AS dan UE memperlihatkan sikap yang berbeda soal itu.

Negara anggota G-20 adalah Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Kanada, Cina, Perancis, Jerman, India, Indonesia, Italia, Jepang, Meksiko, Rusia, Saudi Arabia, Afrika Selatan, Korea Selatan, Turki, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, dan Uni Eropa. Anggota G-20 mewakili 85 persen PDB dunia, dan menjadi tempat tinggal bagi dua pertiga populasi global serta memiliki 80 persen saham di Bank Dunia dan IMF.

Pertemuan itu sebenarnya diharapkan bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang konkret untuk mengatasi krisis finansial. Namun, banyak pihak skeptis akan muncul keajaiban dari forum tersebut.

Peluang Emas Usaha Sablon

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Berbagai poster, spanduk, dan pernak pernik seperti pin, kaos dan gelas berlogo lambang partai bertebaran menjelang pemilu. Jika Anda cermat, kondisi ini bisa jadi peluang bisnis yang menggirukan dengan modal hanya Rp 2 jutaan.

China Merajai Pasaran Indonesia

Peredaran produk impor asal China memukul pasaran produk asli Indonesia. Selain menawarkan kualitas yang bisa bersaing, harga produk impor jauh lebih murah sehingga bukan tidak mungkin bisa merajai pasaran dalam negeri. Pemerintah harus ambil tindakan dalam hal ini, setidaknya menaikkan bea masuk atau membatasi barang impor asal China agar tidak merugikan produk dalam negeri

Medco Incar Operasi Hulu Pertamina di Luar Negeri

Kamis, 06 November 2008

Rencana Medco Group membentuk usaha patungan dengan Pertamina bernama Indonesia Inc akan dimulai dari bisnis hulu minyak dan gas terutama untuk operasi-operasi yang ada di luar negeri.

Antrean Jual Saham BUMI Cetak Rekor Dalam Sejarah Bursa

Antrean investor yang akan menjual saham Bumi Resources setelah disuspensi selama 20 hari mencapai rekor dan merupakan salah satu antrean jual terbanyak dalam sejarah bursa

Presiden Berharap Kerja Sama RI-Jepang Diperluas

Sabtu, 01 November 2008

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono membuka rangkaian acara Indonesia-Japan Expo 2008 di JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Sabtu (1/11). Presiden membuka acara dengan memukul Taiko, semacam bedug khas Jepang dan segera disambut oleh tepuk tangan hadirin yang datang.Dalam sambutannya, Presiden menyampaikan rasa bahagianya atas kerja sama Indonesia-Jepang yang telah dibangun selama ini. Presiden menyebut tiga dokumen penting yang dikeluarkan sejak tahun 2005 sebagai tonggak kemajuan hubungan kedua negara, yaitu deklarasi kemitraan dan strategi bagi masa depan yang damai, deklarasi kemitraan untuk menghadapi tantangan-tantangan baru, serta persetujuaan kemitraan Indonesia-Jepang yang diharapkan secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan hubungan ekonomi Indonesia-Jepang

Success Stories Founder of KFC

Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008

This is the story of persistence Colonel Sanders, founder of the famous fried chicken franchise KFC. He started at the age of 66 years. Retired U.S. army does not have any money except sepeser allowance from the day fathers, who are thinner. However, he has expertise in cooking and offers a prescription masakannya to more than 1,000 restaurants in the country. Colonel Harland Sanders is a pioneer Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC, which has grown to become one of the largest in the industry food franchises in the world.

Colonel Sanders figure, even now become a symbol of the spirit of entrepreneurship. He was born on 9 September 1890 in Henryville, Indiana, but a new start mewaralabakan active in the business ayamnya at the age of 65 years. In the age of 6 years old, his father died and her mother is not able to work again so that Harland young men must maintain younger-lakinya a new age of 3 years. With this condition, he must cook for their families. In this time he has started to show kebolehannya.

At the age of 7 years, he has a place in some cooking. At the age of 10 years to get his first job with a salary near agricultural 2 dollars a month. 12 years of age when his mother married again, so he left the house at the place to get a job in the agricultural areas in Greenwood, Indiana. After that, he flit work for several years.

First, as parking at the age of 15 years in New Albany, Indiana and then sent into the army for 6 months to Cuba. After that he became the fire, learning the science of law through correspondence, the practice in the courts, insurance, ferry operator, tire seller, and service workshops.
In the age of 40 years, Colonel began cooking for people who travel a layover in the week of inconvenience in Corbin. Colonel Sanders have a restaurant at the time. It provides food in the dining room at the workshop. Because the more people who come to a place to eat, he eventually moved to the side of the road near the lodging and restaurant can accommodate 142 people.
During the almost 9 years he generally use the prescription with basic cooking techniques until now. Sander, the better the image. Governor Ruby Laffoon gave Kentucky Colonel award in 1935 for the contribution of the state Cuisine. And in 1939, its existence was first listed in Duncan Hines

Ford Produksi Desain Baru Pick Up F - 150

Ford telah meluncurkan produksi F-150 all-new yang muncul sebagai kendaraan yang paling baik penjualannya.

Ford mengatakan telah menginvestasikan dana US$148 juta di pabrik itu untuk memperbarui peralatan untuk memproduksi truk model 2009.

Ford juga menginvestasikan dana US$110 juta di pabrik truk di kota Kansas untuk truk baru, kata produsen otomotif nomor dua di AS itu

Ekonomi China Tumbuh 9,8%

Krisis ekonomi global diperkirakan memperlambat ekonomi China dari angka pertumbuhan dua digit sebelumnya hingga 9,8% pada tahun 2008

Pada 2009 UMP DKI Naik 10%

Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) DKI Jakarta menetapkan besarnya Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) naik sekitar 10% dari UMP 2008 Rp972.604 menjadiRp1.069.865

Medco Group merged with Pertamina

Medco Group merged with Pertamina likely to encourage state-owned business entities (SOEs) oil and gas company is a world-class. This was the founder of Medco Group, Arifin Panigoro in the public lecture at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

15 Broker threat Disuspensi

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Activity effects merchant intermediary 15 securities companies threatened suspended or suspension. Upheavals that occurred in the capital markets this has resulted in the adjusted net working capital of securities companies are approaching the minimum specified exchange authority

Today the Goverment will Buy Sun

The government intends raising the price back Government Bonds (SUN). How, the government will buy back (buy back) SUN, which is very valuable italics. This is the moment number four from 10 the moment the government financial crisis

Premium Rates Could Decrease Rp 1,600

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

The House measure, if indeed bersubsidi fuel, especially premium, down, the price premium will be Rp 4,400 from Rp 6,000 per liter

Rupiah and Bei remains

Indonesian Stock Exchange failed to follow the majority of strengthening the regional exchange has entered the green zone. While the rupiah day remains in the position of Rp 10,900 per U.S. dollar

South Korea to Invest inLamongan

LAMONGAN, WEDNESDAY - Ambassador of South Korea, Kim Young Ho accompanied the Director General of Industrial Equipment and Transportation on the Ministry of Industry, Budi Darmadi Wednesday (28/10) to visit the beaches north to explore the possibility of Havant infuse capital in Havant.

Ho Young Kim entourage and Budi Darmadi found Regent Masfuk Havant and Havant Commissioner of Marine Industry, Djoko Andono. Havant Marine Industry is one of the investors in the maritime industry Havant beautiful rose. Havant Masfuk stated readiness to facilitate the investors who will invest in the area of Havant beautiful rose.

Kim Young Ho accompanied the five embassy staff immediately review the South Korea one of the major industries in the area, which is a beautiful rose Havant Havant which operates Integrated Shorebase (casing) that apply international standards operation. They received Operations Manager roster Etienne Launay and Chief Finance Officer Sanjay Panjabi and monitor the facilities directly roster.

The existence of shows roster situation in Havant and secure environment for investment. Kim planned to offer the company in South Korea to infuse capital in a beautiful rose after Havant langhsung see and hear the concept pengemba's maritime industry that developed Havant.

Masfuk asserts Havant was a regional penyanga for the industry in East Java that is very strategic. "We hope that perhaps the businessmen from South Korea as soon as possible their investment in the beautiful rose Havant, which is very strategic for the pen gembangan maritime industry. We have to prepare reached 600 hectares of land for the development of Industrial Havant (KIL) in the beautiful rose," said Masfuk

Institution Wall Street

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Financial tsunami. Therefore, the financial market rontoknya drama depicting a number of giant investment banks and financial institutions Wall Street

Fluctuation of foreign exchange, Stop Import!

Via up to 11 thousand rupiah per U.S. dollar will hit manufacturing industry that many imported raw materials such as textiles and electronics. Because of this need to stop the movement of imports and strengthening of local raw materials

Rupiah Decline As GWM Decline

Bank Indonesia Governor Boediono said weakening of the rupiah, which was touching the position of Rp 11,800 per U.S. dollar caused many rupiah liquidity in the market

The Foreign Exchange System Not Necessary

Implementation of a controlled foreign exchange system is not fully anticipate the need for the continued weakening of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar

Mode of Fraud for Entrepreneurs

If this is your business and your business address many known, please be careful. You can be in stealth. If there is a fraud through SMS, with a target anyone, so now there is a model of fraud segment the market. So, because almost the fraudster, but they also do market segmentation

Surrounding Gold Investment

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

Gold became one of the places the most secure investment for now. What must be considered in this investment
Investment in the form of Metal Mulia is one of the attractive investment. Increased prices can be greater than the increase in the level of inflation. The recent increase in the price of gold slightly terkoreksi due to the fall of oil prices

From the start the Business Education

Many complained that to open a business opportunity is not there. This is a classic complaint that can not be with us again. Indeed, to start a business we can do with a variety of ways, one with the education that we have. Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo start a business with education. They are students from Stanford University. Yahoo started from the back parking lots is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple. Jerry Yang describes the discovery that Yahoo is "an accident" when he and Filo tesisnya complete. Filo and that this launch Yahoo when they sit in the universities, before they complete studies. They start doing business with the listing several web sites that they like and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on a web portal called. At the time established in 1994, named Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they know that their sites visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and finally the words that are used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reach star status. Net income in quadruplicate fourth quarter of 57.6 million dollars, while revenue jump from 91 million dollars into 201 million dollars. Now, Yahoo is the best portal in 2002