Who imagined that people who previously worked at the production factory of Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) can change the fate become a partner which supplies components to the automotive companies in Indonesia is the largest?
There may be, not too many do not. And is one of Nur Dahyar. Nur, so he always called open-pallet business after "stealing" the science in the TAM for 9 years. Currently, the company made pallet is used not only domestic needs but also exported abroad. "Since the beginning I have plans to become entrepreneurs," he said.
At work in the Toyota 1978, he only Seeing the junior certificate. However, his desire to become an entrepreneur is never dead, while working at Toyota in the evening he went to school until high school graduation Academy D3 computer. While working at Toyota, he bertekat control all the areas that he requested that the supervisors in the field of Rolling from one field to another.
But a number of areas in the automotive industry, it is passed. Pengelasan start from the field, pressing, packaging, warehousing and others. After he obtained enough knowledge, he eventually quit the company to establish small-scale.
By coincidence when the Toyota he was familiar with the Setiadi, a machine technician who worked at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo). This relationship continues to be the first business relationship. Nur Dahyar and establish the company given the name of PT Nuance Raya Dynamics (NRD) in 1997.
The initial capital for business development NRD comes from the BNI loans of Rp 50 million. First obtain orders from Pelindo through friends of these services. Ditanganinya the project is the creation of transmitting light 9 (tower) worth Rp 135 million, which was conducted in several periods.
"In the first month of orders NRD resolve Rp 15 million but cost as much as that issued Rp 25 million," he said. This is reasonable given the NRD must invest engine and other equipment. After have a good prospect colleagues to the early retirement in order to focus on developing the company. At first, 100 percent of shares owned Nur Dahyar but after joining the composition per share of fity-fifty.
"We build relationships based on mutual trust, although often for different opinions, but until now still can survive," said Setiadi. If Dahyar better control the production process Setiadi handle related financial issues. The division of tasks that clearly causes people each know what to do and what areas should be done.
Switch to iron / steel
Originally NRD produce pallet made of wood but the start of 2001 to switch the raw material of iron / steel. Since 2002, pallet made NRD all come propagandist iron / steel. This is because countries such as Malaysia and Australia have not receive a pallet made of wood because it creates environmental problems.
Currently the products are not only NRD steel pallet equipment but also the construction of steel and simple machines. NRD has developed into three small factories, which occupy a total area of around 2,560 square meters in area paralyzed. 55 percent of production NRD needs to procure 45 percent, while Toyota to other customers. Recorded several companies such as PT Maersk Line, SCI, the American Line, Mulia Ceramics mengguanakan product NRD.
Currently, some banks have been giving loans to SMEs, namely the Bank Niaga, Bank Permata and Citibank. "Now that credit dikucurkan can be reached Rp 1 billion per month, in line with the development of the company," said Setiadi. He felt grateful because the earnings of companies under which only Rp 100 million has now reached Rp 14 billion.
Setiadi estimate the company's turnover at the end of the year could reach Rp 20 billion. Although still rely on the production of steel pallet products, but other non-pallet will be improved. In 2005-2007, the NRD want in a product development engine components. 2007-2010 investment plan of equipment and machinery have to be done and the end of 2010 are already in production.
Special raw materials be supplied by the company PT Krakatau Steel 5 through distributors and pipes from the company Bakrie. So far, so smooth supply of production is not disrupted. However, strengthening the dollar against the rupiah recently caused concern because of its impact is very bad for business.
Meanwhile, the number of employees continues to rise from 1997 that only Nur Dahyar with family members only. In 1998, a total of 7 persons has now grown to 122 people. Most people, or about 78 graduates a smu, 3 of akedemi, 6 univeritas and the remaining elementary and junior high education.
Japan wants to enter
After viewing the business prospects of both the biggest threat faced by the company is a Japanese company plans to make investments in this sector. This is worrying because it could threaten the existence of NRD. However, policies that Toyota still want to maintain their lead local partner can not enter.
But indications of Japanese companies to enter this sector have been there. "We ask the government considers this as a capital and technology they would not lose," said Dahyar.
Previous 2004 NRD also threatened after pirated products, with prices from China diselundupkan through various ports. "Modusnya their work with some customs officials to meloloskannya," he said. n
* Sinar Harapan
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