Economic observers in Medan, Hashim, SE predicts Indonesia's economy will recover once freed from all the impact of global financial crisis in early 2010.
"Politic and economic conditions in the country is estimated will not improve next year (2009). Both aspects of the new estimated total will recover in early 2010," he said in Medan, Friday.
In a note last year, prominent young businessman who is also known by the name Oei Kien Lim is assessing the possibility of a small Indonesian economy significantly in the near future, although oil prices have showed a significant decrease followed a decline in the price of fuel in the country.
"Small possibility of the economy will improve in 2009. But we are optimistic that the economy really recovered in 2010," he said.
He admitted the decline in world oil prices, which was followed by a decrease in the price of fuel in the country will become a concept at once indicator occurrence of future improvement in national economy.
However, the decline in fuel has not really followed by a decrease in the price of basic needs.
"But we believe the price of food in time will also take down, especially when the problem is food intended to be one of the important issues perpolitikan in the upcoming election," he said.
On the other Hashim said, the party form of democracy and pilpres legislative election next year, will also restore national conditions perpolitikan now tend to start the heats.
"Of course, if the second agenda of democracy is running with the safe and orderly, in which all parties can accept any result. We hope the Israeli running smoothly and the political temperature is not hot again after the election and pilpres," said the youth leaders Chinese in Medan that.
"If the election is not safe, the possibility of the crisis will continue and may not in fact will be severe," he said.
Concerning the decision, the Mahkamah Konstitusi(MK) remove the serial number system in the general election in 2009, Hashim evaluation as a positive breakthrough in the political world of Indonesia.
Most sound system is very good to anticipate the golput. This system is considered very suitable to determine the shape people's craving community representatives, he said
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