Capitalism system that applied Western countries have failed with the best of a global economic crisis, for it is time for the Islamic nation to rise with the economic pattern implementing sharia.
The statement was delivered Universaitas rector of Muhammadiyah Syumatera North (UMSU), H Bahdin Nur Tanjung, MM SE time to give lectures at the Al-Amin Mosque, Jalan HM Yamin SH, Medan, Friday.
According to him, the capitalist economic system which follow the free market has made them rich, the rich and the poor more oppressed. But in the end the free market economic system is also proven to be the engine murderer rich countries including the United States alone.
Sederhananya clear picture, Bahdin, free market economy is like a cancer that undermine human body buried in the end join together.
"Competition is free to the term referred to a popular winner with the conglomerates, but that does not offset konglomerasi with the empowerment of the weak against them in the end with the suicide," he said.
He further explained, moment when the global economic crisis is disikapi Muslims should apply to the pattern of economic sharia. Islam teaches people to help each other between the strong with the weak not vice versa as reflected in the charity and tithe.
"Now is time for Islam to rise with the economic pattern apply sharia that encourages everyone to grow and large together," he said.
For this firm Bahdin, Muslims must unite and deliver the differences between each other suspicious groups and classes. Organizations can get, but Islam must ditonjolkan and dinomorsatukan.
According to him, the potential of the self-Muslims should be incorporated so that the power that is capable of the challenges faced now. History has proved majunya Islam united but rather because when the tercerai berai like what you see now.
"Many countries that the majority of the population are now destroyed by the Islamic people lose attitude Ukhuwah Islamiyah," he said
The statement was delivered Universaitas rector of Muhammadiyah Syumatera North (UMSU), H Bahdin Nur Tanjung, MM SE time to give lectures at the Al-Amin Mosque, Jalan HM Yamin SH, Medan, Friday.
According to him, the capitalist economic system which follow the free market has made them rich, the rich and the poor more oppressed. But in the end the free market economic system is also proven to be the engine murderer rich countries including the United States alone.
Sederhananya clear picture, Bahdin, free market economy is like a cancer that undermine human body buried in the end join together.
"Competition is free to the term referred to a popular winner with the conglomerates, but that does not offset konglomerasi with the empowerment of the weak against them in the end with the suicide," he said.
He further explained, moment when the global economic crisis is disikapi Muslims should apply to the pattern of economic sharia. Islam teaches people to help each other between the strong with the weak not vice versa as reflected in the charity and tithe.
"Now is time for Islam to rise with the economic pattern apply sharia that encourages everyone to grow and large together," he said.
For this firm Bahdin, Muslims must unite and deliver the differences between each other suspicious groups and classes. Organizations can get, but Islam must ditonjolkan and dinomorsatukan.
According to him, the potential of the self-Muslims should be incorporated so that the power that is capable of the challenges faced now. History has proved majunya Islam united but rather because when the tercerai berai like what you see now.
"Many countries that the majority of the population are now destroyed by the Islamic people lose attitude Ukhuwah Islamiyah," he said
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