Robert Budi Hartono (Oei Hwie Tjhong), born in the Holy year 1941 is the owner of one of the Cigarette companies in Indonesia, Djarum. Robert is the second child of Oei Wie Gwan, the founder of Djarum. He is the richest to-10 in Southeast Asia and to-321 in the world in 2005 according to Forbes magazine, with assets of 2.3 billion U.S. dollars. Previously, in 2004, he is in the position to-8 with a wealth of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. Brother named Michael Bambang Hartono aka Siang Oei Hwie.
In July 2007, Globe Asia magazine says Robert as the richest in India with 4.2 billion in assets, or approximately U.S. $ 37.8 trillion rupiah.
Djarum addition, Robert and Michael are the largest shareholders in Bank Central Asia. They are both through Farindo Holding Ltd. over 51 percent of BCA shares.
Characteristics of Life Business
Jumat, 01 Mei 2009
1. Spontaneous creative, quick thinking and able to produce creative works that in the middle recessive time, so the decision can best opportunity in the middle
2. Intuition and the risk of playing. Businessman must take bold decisions quickly and without the data that has already attempted
3. Violate the rules play, business is not only watching, but must take a bold breakthrough in tebaru produce as many products / services that are new or even seemed odd to apply a business model that is not normal
4. And be able to completely control the conflict
5. Not satisfied quickly
2. Intuition and the risk of playing. Businessman must take bold decisions quickly and without the data that has already attempted
3. Violate the rules play, business is not only watching, but must take a bold breakthrough in tebaru produce as many products / services that are new or even seemed odd to apply a business model that is not normal
4. And be able to completely control the conflict
5. Not satisfied quickly
Starting Business Strategy
To start a business that required capital in the form of money, but also needed capital in form of business and the spirit of business
Capital that consists of
1.Phisycal capital relating to the preparation of physical facilities such as land, buildings, equipment and money
2. Knowledge capital terkaitan with the information and knowledge such as business information and potential business opportunities, consumer behavior, the intensity of competence, competition, marketing network and tariff
3. Entrepreneurship capital or a business with a soul
Capital that consists of
1.Phisycal capital relating to the preparation of physical facilities such as land, buildings, equipment and money
2. Knowledge capital terkaitan with the information and knowledge such as business information and potential business opportunities, consumer behavior, the intensity of competence, competition, marketing network and tariff
3. Entrepreneurship capital or a business with a soul
Online business shop
Senin, 13 April 2009
In 2008, I believe the media in the internet marketing products to Indonesia akan increasing. In addition to a number of them 'be' the internet has increased, also because of the many media and online marketing case study. Ebook-ebook business on the Internet more and more. Courses internet marketing pop. Not to mention the media coverage of the business is based online. My own team, and I never diliput SWA Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Majalah Duit, We Magazines Business, Tabloid Kontan, Jakarta Post newspaper, etc.
Shop Online business opportunity is one business opportunity that you can try. Online store that I mean ne website which is used by business to market its products. Products can be goods or services. But, in this paper I want to focus more on the product item.
Shop Online business opportunity is one business opportunity that you can try. Online store that I mean ne website which is used by business to market its products. Products can be goods or services. But, in this paper I want to focus more on the product item.
Malaysia protests RI About Permendag No.56
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Minister of trade and industry (MITI) Malaysia has to fly the official letter of protest to the Indonesian minister of trade on Permendag no. 56 years in 2008 on the determination of the five ports and the airport entrance as five commodities.
"Five commodity is footwear, garment, electronic products, toys, and food and beverages. These commodities are only allowed to enter Indonesia through the five ports and airports," said atase trade KBRI Kuala Lumpur, Pradnyawati, Friday (20 / 2) .
Five-port is Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Perak, Belawan, Tanjung Emas, and, and while the port of Makasar bandaranya is Soekarno-Hatta, Juanda, Ahmad Yani (Semarang), Polonia, Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin (Makassar).
"We hear not only Malaysia but other countries also protested about this Permendag. The violation of the WTO. We reject the accusation that, in principle, because Indonesia is still a chance but must be imported through the port, and five of the airport," said Pradnyawati.
Publishing Permendag No 56 in 2008 was due to rush to the five products, both legal and illegal (smuggling). Previously, to the five commodities that can enter the port to 141.
"We must protect consumers. It must be understood also the entrance width and geographical conditions of regulation need to import the entrance. Permendag this is only valid until 2010. Thus, the department of trade and related institutions in the system will re-import the five commodities trade is, "added atase it.
Malaysia protests
Protests of trade and industry ministries in addition to Malaysia because of the number of export commodities that affected due to these regulations, because the cross-border trade will be hampered because the new rules of trade.
"By rule, the top five export commodities from the Sabah and Sarawak to Kalimantan through the port must Medan Belawan or Tanjung Priok. That protest Malaysia. But trade ministers are Marie Pangestu also said in writing to the trade and industry minister Muhyiddin Yassin that Malaysia for border trade excluded, "he said.
But the border trade between Indonesia-Malaysia also many problems. Indonesian have repeatedly requested to Malaysia to revise BTA (barter trade agreement) does not also ditanggapi far.
BTA is an existing agreement in 1970-an who is not eligible for current conditions.
"Flow of goods on which tax-exempt border trade according to the BTA that the maximum 600 Ringgit (Rp1, 8 million). Pas (card) border traders have been more abused. Many big traders use or claim to fit the border traders to enter the commodity in Malaysia without a large number of a tax. " Pradnyawati said.
Therefore, many food products and beverage cans, Malaysia overwhelm markets in Kalimantan and Sumatra. Even now are flooding the island of Java.
"Five commodity is footwear, garment, electronic products, toys, and food and beverages. These commodities are only allowed to enter Indonesia through the five ports and airports," said atase trade KBRI Kuala Lumpur, Pradnyawati, Friday (20 / 2) .
Five-port is Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Perak, Belawan, Tanjung Emas, and, and while the port of Makasar bandaranya is Soekarno-Hatta, Juanda, Ahmad Yani (Semarang), Polonia, Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin (Makassar).
"We hear not only Malaysia but other countries also protested about this Permendag. The violation of the WTO. We reject the accusation that, in principle, because Indonesia is still a chance but must be imported through the port, and five of the airport," said Pradnyawati.
Publishing Permendag No 56 in 2008 was due to rush to the five products, both legal and illegal (smuggling). Previously, to the five commodities that can enter the port to 141.
"We must protect consumers. It must be understood also the entrance width and geographical conditions of regulation need to import the entrance. Permendag this is only valid until 2010. Thus, the department of trade and related institutions in the system will re-import the five commodities trade is, "added atase it.
Malaysia protests
Protests of trade and industry ministries in addition to Malaysia because of the number of export commodities that affected due to these regulations, because the cross-border trade will be hampered because the new rules of trade.
"By rule, the top five export commodities from the Sabah and Sarawak to Kalimantan through the port must Medan Belawan or Tanjung Priok. That protest Malaysia. But trade ministers are Marie Pangestu also said in writing to the trade and industry minister Muhyiddin Yassin that Malaysia for border trade excluded, "he said.
But the border trade between Indonesia-Malaysia also many problems. Indonesian have repeatedly requested to Malaysia to revise BTA (barter trade agreement) does not also ditanggapi far.
BTA is an existing agreement in 1970-an who is not eligible for current conditions.
"Flow of goods on which tax-exempt border trade according to the BTA that the maximum 600 Ringgit (Rp1, 8 million). Pas (card) border traders have been more abused. Many big traders use or claim to fit the border traders to enter the commodity in Malaysia without a large number of a tax. " Pradnyawati said.
Therefore, many food products and beverage cans, Malaysia overwhelm markets in Kalimantan and Sumatra. Even now are flooding the island of Java.
He cramped Business
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009
In many, Muslims should menteladani nature Prophet. Ie Siddiq, Fathonah, trust and Tabligh. Siddiq nature, he explained, the Muslims must be the trustworthy, honest. "People will honestly safe,"
Bisnismen a Muslim should also have Fathonah nature, ie, must be smart. Including versed in reading opportunities, and management. "If we will not be left behind with other people."
Nature of trust must be owned by the businessman. If you can not maintain the trust, how will he survive in the midst of the melee business.
While the nature of Tabligh realized in the ability to communicate. A Muslim businessman should be able to communicate in different languages. How may not be able to communicate will be successful running the wheels of business in international level.
Besides K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar or more familiarly known as Aa Gym has tips-tricks in running a business withdrawn. As a dozen years menekuni entrepreneurship, ranging from selling newspapers, a salesman, at this time to hold the position as president director of PT. Management Qolbu (MQ Corporation), which has five subsidiaries with 10 business divisions.
Tips-tricks applied Aa Gym obtained from the Prophet SAW, which is also known as a put-traders, is packed in the term-B'7, 'namely:
1. Worship with the correct
2. Both have a certain
3. Learn all there is no
4. Working with smart and sincere
5. Primitive life
6. Share with each other, and
7. Clean the heart always.
Formula about values in business management concepts qolbu packed in 'The Five-mu-mu'.
1. Quality, because everyone wants something a certain quality.
2. Cheap, fun to the buyer something that cheap.
3. Easy, because happy people tend to ease, both in terms of transactions and services.
4. Current, because the buyers who like something new and up-to-date.
5. Multimanfaat, that is, the more of a benefit in the goods, the goods will be preferred by buyers.
Bisnismen a Muslim should also have Fathonah nature, ie, must be smart. Including versed in reading opportunities, and management. "If we will not be left behind with other people."
Nature of trust must be owned by the businessman. If you can not maintain the trust, how will he survive in the midst of the melee business.
While the nature of Tabligh realized in the ability to communicate. A Muslim businessman should be able to communicate in different languages. How may not be able to communicate will be successful running the wheels of business in international level.
Besides K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar or more familiarly known as Aa Gym has tips-tricks in running a business withdrawn. As a dozen years menekuni entrepreneurship, ranging from selling newspapers, a salesman, at this time to hold the position as president director of PT. Management Qolbu (MQ Corporation), which has five subsidiaries with 10 business divisions.
Tips-tricks applied Aa Gym obtained from the Prophet SAW, which is also known as a put-traders, is packed in the term-B'7, 'namely:
1. Worship with the correct
2. Both have a certain
3. Learn all there is no
4. Working with smart and sincere
5. Primitive life
6. Share with each other, and
7. Clean the heart always.
Formula about values in business management concepts qolbu packed in 'The Five-mu-mu'.
1. Quality, because everyone wants something a certain quality.
2. Cheap, fun to the buyer something that cheap.
3. Easy, because happy people tend to ease, both in terms of transactions and services.
4. Current, because the buyers who like something new and up-to-date.
5. Multimanfaat, that is, the more of a benefit in the goods, the goods will be preferred by buyers.
Richest People in Indonesia Bakrie Replace Position
Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
If the first Aburizal Bakrie occupied the first rank as the richest person in Indonesia, now the ranking has been occupied by Sukanto Tanoto, and down to make Bakrie was ranked ninth. The survey comes from Forbes Asia magazine, which states that net wealth has declined 54 percent to drastic, including commodity prices and the dollar continues to weaken.
Sukanto Tanoto, a conglomerate and miliarder, as well as the owner of the Raja Garuda Mas Group, which the authorities pulp and paper industry, construction, palm oil and Asian Agri. Sukanto Tanoto, who was at the top of the Forbes list of rich people in Asia in 2006, this year get a degree as the richest man in Indonesia with a net wealth $ 2 billion, the actual value down about 57% from a year ago was U.S. $ 4.7 billion.
Meanwhile, Aburizal Bakrie only get a wealth of U.S. $ 850 million, with the value of the property Bakrie anjlok more than U.S. $ 4.5 billion from U.S. $ 5.4 billion in 2007. This is because many families Bakrie company shares have fallen about 90% as the banker terulangnya worry 1997-1998 financial crisis and does not want to risk on loans to a business group Bakrie worth billions of rupiah.
If Sukanto Tanoto or better known by the name of China, Chen Jianghe, ranked in the top richest people in Indonesia, then ranked second and third place respectively by Hartono brothers, R. Budi and Michael, who became boss the second-largest cigarette producer in Indonesia, Djarum. Here is a list of rich people in Indonesia, which is calculated from kekayaannya stock prices and exchange rates at the end of November 2008.
Sukanto Tanoto, a conglomerate and miliarder, as well as the owner of the Raja Garuda Mas Group, which the authorities pulp and paper industry, construction, palm oil and Asian Agri. Sukanto Tanoto, who was at the top of the Forbes list of rich people in Asia in 2006, this year get a degree as the richest man in Indonesia with a net wealth $ 2 billion, the actual value down about 57% from a year ago was U.S. $ 4.7 billion.
Meanwhile, Aburizal Bakrie only get a wealth of U.S. $ 850 million, with the value of the property Bakrie anjlok more than U.S. $ 4.5 billion from U.S. $ 5.4 billion in 2007. This is because many families Bakrie company shares have fallen about 90% as the banker terulangnya worry 1997-1998 financial crisis and does not want to risk on loans to a business group Bakrie worth billions of rupiah.
If Sukanto Tanoto or better known by the name of China, Chen Jianghe, ranked in the top richest people in Indonesia, then ranked second and third place respectively by Hartono brothers, R. Budi and Michael, who became boss the second-largest cigarette producer in Indonesia, Djarum. Here is a list of rich people in Indonesia, which is calculated from kekayaannya stock prices and exchange rates at the end of November 2008.
2008, China's Car Sales Rise
Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
Sales of motor vehicles in China rose about 8% to 9.4 million units in 2008, less than half of the growth rate a year earlier, the industry group, said Monday.
Demand for cars has been hit by weakening global economy and a review for 2009 remain weak, so the People's Daily reported, quoted Hu Maoyuan, leaders of China Car Manufacturing Association.
The growth rate for sales in 2008 following a 21.8% expansion in 2007, the appeal of the previous year, according to previous reports.
"In 2008, China's car market showed a decrease in the midst of global financial crisis," said Hu, who also heads China's leading car industry, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation.
For the first 11 months in 2008, vehicle sales rose 8.5% in the previous year appeal to be 8.6 million units. In November alone, car sales down 14.6% in the appeal years ago.
Local media reported that China will announce the various steps in the stimulus first quarter 2009 to encourage the growth of the car sector in the range 10% each year occur during the weakening global economy
Demand for cars has been hit by weakening global economy and a review for 2009 remain weak, so the People's Daily reported, quoted Hu Maoyuan, leaders of China Car Manufacturing Association.
The growth rate for sales in 2008 following a 21.8% expansion in 2007, the appeal of the previous year, according to previous reports.
"In 2008, China's car market showed a decrease in the midst of global financial crisis," said Hu, who also heads China's leading car industry, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation.
For the first 11 months in 2008, vehicle sales rose 8.5% in the previous year appeal to be 8.6 million units. In November alone, car sales down 14.6% in the appeal years ago.
Local media reported that China will announce the various steps in the stimulus first quarter 2009 to encourage the growth of the car sector in the range 10% each year occur during the weakening global economy
March, Oil Production Bakal trimmed More
OPEC will likely decide to cut production again in the upcoming meeting in March if oil prices continue to go down, Iran's representative for the Organization The State Oil (OPEC) states Sunday (11 / 1).
OPEC agreed months ago to reduce the production of 2.2 million barrels per day (BPD), to record a decline this far.
With the reduction, it has been since September OPEC output cut of 4.2 million BPD, or as much as 5% of global oil supply.
"If oil prices continue to go down, cutting production in March 2009 that it is not impossible," said Iran's OPEC Governor, Mohammad Khatibi, told the Iranian oil ministry internet Shana.
Oil prices down 2% to below U.S. $ 41 per barrel, Friday, after data showed a large increase in the number of unemployment in the U.S. economic prospects mempersuram world's largest consumer of oil.
Anjlok price of oil has more than U.S. $ 100 from the record high of U.S. $ 147 per barrel in July last year, following a weakening global economy that hit oil demand
OPEC agreed months ago to reduce the production of 2.2 million barrels per day (BPD), to record a decline this far.
With the reduction, it has been since September OPEC output cut of 4.2 million BPD, or as much as 5% of global oil supply.
"If oil prices continue to go down, cutting production in March 2009 that it is not impossible," said Iran's OPEC Governor, Mohammad Khatibi, told the Iranian oil ministry internet Shana.
Oil prices down 2% to below U.S. $ 41 per barrel, Friday, after data showed a large increase in the number of unemployment in the U.S. economic prospects mempersuram world's largest consumer of oil.
Anjlok price of oil has more than U.S. $ 100 from the record high of U.S. $ 147 per barrel in July last year, following a weakening global economy that hit oil demand
Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
The development of sharia banking system in Indonesia is done in the framework of dual-banking system or the dual banking system in the framework Indonesian Banking Architecture (API), to present an alternative banking services that the people of Indonesia to the full. Collectively, the banking system and sharia banking in conventional synergistic mobilization of public funds to support more widely to improve financing for the sectors national economy.
Characteristics of the banking system that operates according to sharia principles for the banking system to provide an alternative to the mutual benefit for the community and the bank, and show aspects of justice in the deal, the ethical investment, the values of togetherness and brotherhood in to produce, and avoid speculative activities in the financial deal . By providing a variety of products and banking services with a variety of financial schemes that more bervariatif, sharia banking to become an alternative to the banking system is credible and can dinimati by all the people of Indonesia without exception.
In the context of macro economic management, spread the use of various products and financial instruments will be able to paste sharia relationship between the financial sector with the real sector and create harmony between the two in the sector. The expansion of products and instruments sharia will support activities in addition to financial and business community will also reduce the transactions that are speculative, so that support the financial system stability as a whole, which in turn will provide a significant contribution towards achieving the medium-term price stability, long-term.
Has been with The implementation of Law No.21 Year 2008 on Banking Sharia that on 16 July 2008, the development of the banking industry has the national sharia law the basis of adequate and will encourage more rapid growth again. With the impressive progress of its development, which reached an average growth of assets, more than 65% pertahun in the last five years, the expected role of sharia banking industry in supporting national economy will be more significant
Characteristics of the banking system that operates according to sharia principles for the banking system to provide an alternative to the mutual benefit for the community and the bank, and show aspects of justice in the deal, the ethical investment, the values of togetherness and brotherhood in to produce, and avoid speculative activities in the financial deal . By providing a variety of products and banking services with a variety of financial schemes that more bervariatif, sharia banking to become an alternative to the banking system is credible and can dinimati by all the people of Indonesia without exception.
In the context of macro economic management, spread the use of various products and financial instruments will be able to paste sharia relationship between the financial sector with the real sector and create harmony between the two in the sector. The expansion of products and instruments sharia will support activities in addition to financial and business community will also reduce the transactions that are speculative, so that support the financial system stability as a whole, which in turn will provide a significant contribution towards achieving the medium-term price stability, long-term.
Has been with The implementation of Law No.21 Year 2008 on Banking Sharia that on 16 July 2008, the development of the banking industry has the national sharia law the basis of adequate and will encourage more rapid growth again. With the impressive progress of its development, which reached an average growth of assets, more than 65% pertahun in the last five years, the expected role of sharia banking industry in supporting national economy will be more significant
save money in the form of cash in savings or deposit money so that you have idak continue to diminish in value and time consumed inflation even though the value of your money grows from time to time.
The amount of savings is in the book because you restrict too much money you timbun the loss because your interest in the bank less than the level of inflation so that in the long time the more money you will be small in value.
A good way out is to invest in something that can benefit many people, such as opening a business that provides many job opportunities for others. Than we do on the investment property, play forex / foreign exchange, deposits, shares, and so we better make you believe kuasai and will provide great benefits.
Pleased to see other people happy is the core of everything. There is an inner satisfaction when people are apart pekerjakan our happy life. Share with fellow human beings with money than we have.
The amount of savings is in the book because you restrict too much money you timbun the loss because your interest in the bank less than the level of inflation so that in the long time the more money you will be small in value.
A good way out is to invest in something that can benefit many people, such as opening a business that provides many job opportunities for others. Than we do on the investment property, play forex / foreign exchange, deposits, shares, and so we better make you believe kuasai and will provide great benefits.
Pleased to see other people happy is the core of everything. There is an inner satisfaction when people are apart pekerjakan our happy life. Share with fellow human beings with money than we have.
Credit card is one source of potential disaster is huge. With credit cards you can do one wishes that the expenditure is not necessary and you tersadar debt with a twist throttle nerves in the neck which has been all over and always regret coming to the end. The debt collector / Biller debt will be happy with your life meneror and even family friends, neighbors, friends office, boss, etc.. We recommend using a debit card / atm card but wisely.
Live a simple key to happiness is. Life is too gelamor, full of prestige, ostentatious wealth, adored, praised happy people, and so will only be upon you on the ignorance and poverty in the future. Be oang a low profile / low self but if other people know you are in fact the person that will eat-terkagum amazed.
When you're having a lot of luck, so then you do not dissipate as living standards improve dramatically, like the round, like help / help others to get a compliment, etc.. When someone is being successful penghasilkan get him a major general, will increase so that the expenditure pattern of consumption will increase to take part.
Before buying something you should think there are millions of times so that you do not regret later. For example, there is a special offer items that look so expensive, so cheap you have to ask whether the goods will continue to use you in the long term? and whether the value of the product far more than the price?. Sometimes we realize after the fact we did not buy the ongoing darena use fast bored or are not important.
Live a simple key to happiness is. Life is too gelamor, full of prestige, ostentatious wealth, adored, praised happy people, and so will only be upon you on the ignorance and poverty in the future. Be oang a low profile / low self but if other people know you are in fact the person that will eat-terkagum amazed.
When you're having a lot of luck, so then you do not dissipate as living standards improve dramatically, like the round, like help / help others to get a compliment, etc.. When someone is being successful penghasilkan get him a major general, will increase so that the expenditure pattern of consumption will increase to take part.
Before buying something you should think there are millions of times so that you do not regret later. For example, there is a special offer items that look so expensive, so cheap you have to ask whether the goods will continue to use you in the long term? and whether the value of the product far more than the price?. Sometimes we realize after the fact we did not buy the ongoing darena use fast bored or are not important.
Tips / How To Save / Saving Money In the Bank of Investment and Business For The Future Bahagia
Fri, 30/05/2008 - 12:33 am - godam64
Saving habits have already clearly very useful for our future. Saving is to deposit money that can be used in the future if necessary. The more money that ditabung then the better. There is a saying that "thrifty rich base", this means if we diligently save money and live a simple and not excessive in the end we will be able to enjoy the results beatify.
Do not forget that there is limit to save. Bayarlah tax and charity obligations before you save some money and practice of worship for us to be more happy in the life of the next life.
Familiarize oneself from small saving will be able to establish prudence, thinking far ahead, not selfish, patient, and so forth. Therefore if we have children, then bring our children to become the reservoir of top-flight. But avoid excessive or scanty concerns on the perception of the future needs of the negative so that we do not have to be people who are stingy or tight-fisted.
Here are some tips to save money that may be useful for you:
1. Saving Bank in the Trusted
Menabunglah money in the bank so that we always keep safe from the criminals. Saving in the bank may give us an interest rate of profit for banks or businesses because the money we setorkan be used for investment banks.
We recommend that you save in a few different banks if the amount of money you enough in the bank bonafid that money is not lost if you suddenly dilikuidasi bank or conduct follow-deception. By saving in a different bank then you can still do a transaction when a bank are experiencing.
2. Save your small change is Not Used
While many have some small change should you store in a place safe from the hands of ignorant ignorant including your own. When the number is much you can put it to a bank account or keep your store. Forget the small change as if they do not exist or they are just not useful things that you do not tertaris to membelanjakannya.
You can start with the new hobby of collecting small change, such as duck uncle gober where you can get the satisfaction of mind when I saw the money-money that kayanya and how you feel. But not many in number-many. When necessary, and sudden-death, the money can be used without having to borrow from the others, go to the atm machine, mengantri in the bank, waiting to pay, and others.
3. Never Too Much Money Saving ---> Investment
Batasilah save money in the form of cash in savings or deposit money so that you have idak continue to diminish in value and time consumed inflation even though the value of your money grows from time to time.
The amount of savings is in the book because you restrict too much money you timbun the loss because your interest in the bank less than the level of inflation so that in the long time the more money you will be small in value.
A good way out is to invest in something that can benefit many people, such as opening a business that provides many job opportunities for others. Than we do on the investment property, play forex / foreign exchange, deposits, shares, and so we better make you believe kuasai and will provide great benefits.
Pleased to see other people happy is the core of everything. There is an inner satisfaction when people are apart pekerjakan our happy life. Share with fellow human beings with money than we have.
4. Eliminate emotional moment, lavish lifestyle and your Gengsi
Credit card is one source of potential disaster is huge. With credit cards you can do one wishes that the expenditure is not necessary and you tersadar debt with a twist throttle nerves in the neck which has been all over and always regret coming to the end. The debt collector / Biller debt will be happy with your life meneror and even family friends, neighbors, friends office, boss, etc.. We recommend using a debit card / atm card but wisely.
Live a simple key to happiness is. Life is too gelamor, full of prestige, ostentatious wealth, adored, praised happy people, and so will only be upon you on the ignorance and poverty in the future. Be oang a low profile / low self but if other people know you are in fact the person that will eat-terkagum amazed.
When you're having a lot of luck, so then you do not dissipate as living standards improve dramatically, like the round, like help / help others to get a compliment, etc.. When someone is being successful penghasilkan get him a major general, will increase so that the expenditure pattern of consumption will increase to take part.
Before buying something you should think there are millions of times so that you do not regret later. For example, there is a special offer items that look so expensive, so cheap you have to ask whether the goods will continue to use you in the long term? and whether the value of the product far more than the price?. Sometimes we realize after the fact we did not buy the ongoing darena use fast bored or are not important.
5. Life is planning to do Matang
Make stages in your life and the play value of the money needed to menggapainya such as for school, college, find a job, get married, buy a vehicle, treatment, children's school fees, the cost of food, recreation, open a business and so forth. That way you will be wise in their spending after know how much money you need later.
If you can skip all that in the future you will be happy where you have been through the stages of life with both your retirement and have a business that can be relied upon even if you do not participate in the intervention.
So where would select? The future of misery or happiness of the future?
Fri, 30/05/2008 - 12:33 am - godam64
Saving habits have already clearly very useful for our future. Saving is to deposit money that can be used in the future if necessary. The more money that ditabung then the better. There is a saying that "thrifty rich base", this means if we diligently save money and live a simple and not excessive in the end we will be able to enjoy the results beatify.
Do not forget that there is limit to save. Bayarlah tax and charity obligations before you save some money and practice of worship for us to be more happy in the life of the next life.
Familiarize oneself from small saving will be able to establish prudence, thinking far ahead, not selfish, patient, and so forth. Therefore if we have children, then bring our children to become the reservoir of top-flight. But avoid excessive or scanty concerns on the perception of the future needs of the negative so that we do not have to be people who are stingy or tight-fisted.
Here are some tips to save money that may be useful for you:
1. Saving Bank in the Trusted
Menabunglah money in the bank so that we always keep safe from the criminals. Saving in the bank may give us an interest rate of profit for banks or businesses because the money we setorkan be used for investment banks.
We recommend that you save in a few different banks if the amount of money you enough in the bank bonafid that money is not lost if you suddenly dilikuidasi bank or conduct follow-deception. By saving in a different bank then you can still do a transaction when a bank are experiencing.
2. Save your small change is Not Used
While many have some small change should you store in a place safe from the hands of ignorant ignorant including your own. When the number is much you can put it to a bank account or keep your store. Forget the small change as if they do not exist or they are just not useful things that you do not tertaris to membelanjakannya.
You can start with the new hobby of collecting small change, such as duck uncle gober where you can get the satisfaction of mind when I saw the money-money that kayanya and how you feel. But not many in number-many. When necessary, and sudden-death, the money can be used without having to borrow from the others, go to the atm machine, mengantri in the bank, waiting to pay, and others.
3. Never Too Much Money Saving ---> Investment
Batasilah save money in the form of cash in savings or deposit money so that you have idak continue to diminish in value and time consumed inflation even though the value of your money grows from time to time.
The amount of savings is in the book because you restrict too much money you timbun the loss because your interest in the bank less than the level of inflation so that in the long time the more money you will be small in value.
A good way out is to invest in something that can benefit many people, such as opening a business that provides many job opportunities for others. Than we do on the investment property, play forex / foreign exchange, deposits, shares, and so we better make you believe kuasai and will provide great benefits.
Pleased to see other people happy is the core of everything. There is an inner satisfaction when people are apart pekerjakan our happy life. Share with fellow human beings with money than we have.
4. Eliminate emotional moment, lavish lifestyle and your Gengsi
Credit card is one source of potential disaster is huge. With credit cards you can do one wishes that the expenditure is not necessary and you tersadar debt with a twist throttle nerves in the neck which has been all over and always regret coming to the end. The debt collector / Biller debt will be happy with your life meneror and even family friends, neighbors, friends office, boss, etc.. We recommend using a debit card / atm card but wisely.
Live a simple key to happiness is. Life is too gelamor, full of prestige, ostentatious wealth, adored, praised happy people, and so will only be upon you on the ignorance and poverty in the future. Be oang a low profile / low self but if other people know you are in fact the person that will eat-terkagum amazed.
When you're having a lot of luck, so then you do not dissipate as living standards improve dramatically, like the round, like help / help others to get a compliment, etc.. When someone is being successful penghasilkan get him a major general, will increase so that the expenditure pattern of consumption will increase to take part.
Before buying something you should think there are millions of times so that you do not regret later. For example, there is a special offer items that look so expensive, so cheap you have to ask whether the goods will continue to use you in the long term? and whether the value of the product far more than the price?. Sometimes we realize after the fact we did not buy the ongoing darena use fast bored or are not important.
5. Life is planning to do Matang
Make stages in your life and the play value of the money needed to menggapainya such as for school, college, find a job, get married, buy a vehicle, treatment, children's school fees, the cost of food, recreation, open a business and so forth. That way you will be wise in their spending after know how much money you need later.
If you can skip all that in the future you will be happy where you have been through the stages of life with both your retirement and have a business that can be relied upon even if you do not participate in the intervention.
So where would select? The future of misery or happiness of the future?
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