Minister of trade and industry (MITI) Malaysia has to fly the official letter of protest to the Indonesian minister of trade on Permendag no. 56 years in 2008 on the determination of the five ports and the airport entrance as five commodities.
"Five commodity is footwear, garment, electronic products, toys, and food and beverages. These commodities are only allowed to enter Indonesia through the five ports and airports," said atase trade KBRI Kuala Lumpur, Pradnyawati, Friday (20 / 2) .
Five-port is Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Perak, Belawan, Tanjung Emas, and, and while the port of Makasar bandaranya is Soekarno-Hatta, Juanda, Ahmad Yani (Semarang), Polonia, Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin (Makassar).
"We hear not only Malaysia but other countries also protested about this Permendag. The violation of the WTO. We reject the accusation that, in principle, because Indonesia is still a chance but must be imported through the port, and five of the airport," said Pradnyawati.
Publishing Permendag No 56 in 2008 was due to rush to the five products, both legal and illegal (smuggling). Previously, to the five commodities that can enter the port to 141.
"We must protect consumers. It must be understood also the entrance width and geographical conditions of regulation need to import the entrance. Permendag this is only valid until 2010. Thus, the department of trade and related institutions in the system will re-import the five commodities trade is, "added atase it.
Malaysia protests
Protests of trade and industry ministries in addition to Malaysia because of the number of export commodities that affected due to these regulations, because the cross-border trade will be hampered because the new rules of trade.
"By rule, the top five export commodities from the Sabah and Sarawak to Kalimantan through the port must Medan Belawan or Tanjung Priok. That protest Malaysia. But trade ministers are Marie Pangestu also said in writing to the trade and industry minister Muhyiddin Yassin that Malaysia for border trade excluded, "he said.
But the border trade between Indonesia-Malaysia also many problems. Indonesian have repeatedly requested to Malaysia to revise BTA (barter trade agreement) does not also ditanggapi far.
BTA is an existing agreement in 1970-an who is not eligible for current conditions.
"Flow of goods on which tax-exempt border trade according to the BTA that the maximum 600 Ringgit (Rp1, 8 million). Pas (card) border traders have been more abused. Many big traders use or claim to fit the border traders to enter the commodity in Malaysia without a large number of a tax. " Pradnyawati said.
Therefore, many food products and beverage cans, Malaysia overwhelm markets in Kalimantan and Sumatra. Even now are flooding the island of Java.
He cramped Business
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009
In many, Muslims should menteladani nature Prophet. Ie Siddiq, Fathonah, trust and Tabligh. Siddiq nature, he explained, the Muslims must be the trustworthy, honest. "People will honestly safe,"
Bisnismen a Muslim should also have Fathonah nature, ie, must be smart. Including versed in reading opportunities, and management. "If we will not be left behind with other people."
Nature of trust must be owned by the businessman. If you can not maintain the trust, how will he survive in the midst of the melee business.
While the nature of Tabligh realized in the ability to communicate. A Muslim businessman should be able to communicate in different languages. How may not be able to communicate will be successful running the wheels of business in international level.
Besides K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar or more familiarly known as Aa Gym has tips-tricks in running a business withdrawn. As a dozen years menekuni entrepreneurship, ranging from selling newspapers, a salesman, at this time to hold the position as president director of PT. Management Qolbu (MQ Corporation), which has five subsidiaries with 10 business divisions.
Tips-tricks applied Aa Gym obtained from the Prophet SAW, which is also known as a put-traders, is packed in the term-B'7, 'namely:
1. Worship with the correct
2. Both have a certain
3. Learn all there is no
4. Working with smart and sincere
5. Primitive life
6. Share with each other, and
7. Clean the heart always.
Formula about values in business management concepts qolbu packed in 'The Five-mu-mu'.
1. Quality, because everyone wants something a certain quality.
2. Cheap, fun to the buyer something that cheap.
3. Easy, because happy people tend to ease, both in terms of transactions and services.
4. Current, because the buyers who like something new and up-to-date.
5. Multimanfaat, that is, the more of a benefit in the goods, the goods will be preferred by buyers.
Bisnismen a Muslim should also have Fathonah nature, ie, must be smart. Including versed in reading opportunities, and management. "If we will not be left behind with other people."
Nature of trust must be owned by the businessman. If you can not maintain the trust, how will he survive in the midst of the melee business.
While the nature of Tabligh realized in the ability to communicate. A Muslim businessman should be able to communicate in different languages. How may not be able to communicate will be successful running the wheels of business in international level.
Besides K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar or more familiarly known as Aa Gym has tips-tricks in running a business withdrawn. As a dozen years menekuni entrepreneurship, ranging from selling newspapers, a salesman, at this time to hold the position as president director of PT. Management Qolbu (MQ Corporation), which has five subsidiaries with 10 business divisions.
Tips-tricks applied Aa Gym obtained from the Prophet SAW, which is also known as a put-traders, is packed in the term-B'7, 'namely:
1. Worship with the correct
2. Both have a certain
3. Learn all there is no
4. Working with smart and sincere
5. Primitive life
6. Share with each other, and
7. Clean the heart always.
Formula about values in business management concepts qolbu packed in 'The Five-mu-mu'.
1. Quality, because everyone wants something a certain quality.
2. Cheap, fun to the buyer something that cheap.
3. Easy, because happy people tend to ease, both in terms of transactions and services.
4. Current, because the buyers who like something new and up-to-date.
5. Multimanfaat, that is, the more of a benefit in the goods, the goods will be preferred by buyers.
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